The Hobby Den Wargaming Review

Plastic Soldier Company Russians in Summer Uniform.

It has been a long time since I have eagerly awaited the release of a new box of plastic soldiers. Having grown up on Airfix plastics . I  then got into wargaming and discovered 20mm Metal figures and have not looked at plastics in years.

A few months back I heard that these were in the pipe line. In that time I  was in contact with the company with a view to stocking them for . Finally Will from Plastc Soldier contacted me last week and kindly sent me this sample.

So on to the review.
They come in a really nicely illustrated box with a painting guide on the back referencing Vallejo paints .

In the box you get 3 identical sprues totalling 57 figures.
These consist at of  19 poses
6 Junior officers / NCOS
45 Riflemen / SMG
6 Light Macine Gunners and loaders.

All these fiures are made of hard plastic the same material vehicle kits are made from therefore they are glueable with normal polystyrene modelling glue. In my book this is a huge advantage as it allows you to modify these figures to suit your needs . Something that is difficult to do with traditional plastic soldiers or metals for that matter.

These figure scale out to 1/72 scale which makes them bigger than traditional 20mm metals by about 1 or 2 mm.
What I like is that they have ta decent bulk feel to them unlike traditional plastic figures that seem to be a little skinny in comparison with metals. Eventhough they are a little taller than the metal figures  I compared them with I feel the will work fine alongside the metal ranges.

Here are some comparisons of them with some leading metal makes
Britiannia Russian Left Plastic Soldier Russian Right
Plastic Soldier Russian Left Britannia Russian Right.
Plastic Soldier Russian Left Liberation 20mm figure Right.
Over all Impression
 Pros: These are excellent figures really nicely sculpted the detail is nice and crisp with lots of conversion potential.
          Great Value 57 figures with 19 nice poses.
Cons: Some heavy weapons would be  nice addition but I am sure there will be on the way in a later pack.